01. March 2024

Kvika’s Sustainability Report

Kvika's sustainability report for 2023 has been published. This is the third time that Kvika publishes a sustainability report, which is published alongside the annual accounts of Kvika and its subsidiaries. The report presents the company's performance in matters relating to sustainability. The Bank's allocation and impact report is published as a part of Kvika's sustainability report, which reports on the progress of green commitments under the Bank's green financial framework.

The report follows Nasdaq‘s ESG Reporting Guide 2.0 and the latest version of the reporting standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI 2021) were also used as a reference to a limited extent for certain disclosures

Deloitte has provided limited assurance on non-financial information disclosed in Kvika's Sustainability Report.

Ármann Þorvaldsson Kvika‘s CEO:

„The year 2023 was an eventful one at Kvika and we are proud of the success we have achieved in the company's operations under conditions which were challenging in many areas. During the year major efforts were directed at continuing the implementation of the Sustainability Strategy adopted in 2022, with the involvement of Kvika employees, spanning all divisions and subsidiaries. As before, our goal is to make sustainability a part of our core business and decision-making.“

Sustainability Report

pdfSustainability Report
