30. December 2015
Kvika banki hf. has issued two series of six-month bills, each in the amount of ISK 2,000m. This is the first issue in series KVB 16 0323 and KVB 16 0616, each of which has an authorised limit of ISK 2,000m.
The Financial Supervisory Authority confirmed the prospectus for the issues yesterday, 29 December, and the Bank has filed an application to have the bills admitted for trading on the Nasdaq Iceland exchange.
Printed copies of the prospectus are available at the Kvika headquarters, Borgartún 25, 105 Reykjavík, for twelve months from the confirmation date. The prospectus can be found in electronic form on the issuer's website: https://www.kvika.is/um-kviku/fjarfestar.