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Sigurður Hannesson

Sigurður Hannesson


Sigurður Hannesson is the chairman of the Board of Kvika. He was appointed to the bank’s Board of Directors in March 2020. He was born in 1980 and works as a Managing Director of SI – the Federation of Icelandic Industries.

Sigurður graduated with a DPhil degree in Mathematics from the University of Oxford, and also graduated with a BS degree in mathematics from the University of Iceland. Sigurður has completed a degree in securities brokerage.

From 2013 to 2017 Sigurður worked as a Managing Director of Kvika´s assets management division (prior MP Bank). In 2015 he was the Vice-Chairman of the Government Implementation Group on the release of capital controls and in 2013 he was the Chairman of the Icelandic government expert group on action for debted households (Leiðréttingin). From 2010-2013, Sigurður worked as CEO of Jupiter fund management company, now Kvika Asset Management, and in Capital Markets at Straumur Investment Bank from 2007-2010.

Sigurður also sits on the boards of NSA Ventures, Auðna-Tæknitorg ehf., Akkur SI, SI 1 ehf., Sundaboginn slhf., Íslenski byggingarvettvangurinn, Seapool ehf., BBL 39 ehf. and the Icelandic Cancer Society. Sigurður owns 8,550,107 shares in the bank through shareholding in the private limited company BBL 39 ehf. Sigurður does not have interest links with major clients, competitors or big shareholders in the sense of the Guidelines of Corporate Governance.