Ingunn Svala Leifsdóttir was appointed to Kvika’s Board of Directors in September 2021. Ingunn was born in 1976. She graduated with a BS degree in Business from the University of Iceland in 1999, with a focus on accounting and finance, and with a Cand. Oecon business degree from the same University in 2001, with a focus on accounting and management. Ingunn Svala completed the Advanced Management program (AMP) from the IESE Business School in New York in 2018.
Ingunn Svala currently works as a chief operationg officer for Dohop, before that she worked as a executive director of operations at Reykjavík University. Ingunn Svala has extensive experience of serving as a board member. She has served as a board member of Slippurinn Akureyri ehf. since 2015, as a board member of the logistics company Parlogis ehf. since 2014 and as a board member of Ósar – lifeline of health hf. since 2021. Ingunn Svala sat on the Audit Committee of VÍS in 2019 to 2021 and was a board member of Líftryggingafélags Íslands (Lífís) from 2017 to 2021. Ingunn Svala has also established and operated her own business, including in accounting and real estate.
Ingunn Svala also has extensive experience from the financial sector. She worked for the Kaupthing ́s Resolution Committee as Chief Financial Officer from 2009 to 2011 as well as working as a Global Business Controller in Investment Banking at Kaupþing bank in 2007 to 2009. Ingunn Svala also worked within the Actavis Group PTC consolidation in 2006 to 2007 as a CFO for four subsidiaries, namely Actavis hf., Medís ehf., Actavis Group hf. and Actavis Group PTC ehf. Ingunn Svala does not own shares in the Company and does not have interest links with major clients, competitors or big shareholders in in the sense of the Corporate Governance guidelines.