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Sigurgeir Guðlaugsson

Sigurgeir Guðlaugsson

Alternate director

Sigurgeir Guðlaugsson was born in 1976. He is an investor and the Managing Director of Citalfort Consulting slf. He graduated with a B.Sc. degree in International Trade from Copenhagen Business School in 1999. He worked in the corporate division of the Investment Bank of the economy (Ice. Fjárfestingarbanki atvinnulífsins), later Íslandsbanki, in 1999-2003. Sigurgeir worked as the Global Head of mergers and acquisitions at Actavis Group in 2003-2006. He was the Managing Director of investments in the healthcare industry at Novator in 2006-2009.

Sigurgeir founded the consulting company Citalfort Consulting slf. in 2009 and has worked there ever since, apart from 2013-2016 when he was a partner and an employee at H.F. securities hf. in 2013 and the Chief Executive Officer of the biotechnology company Zymetech ehf. in 2014-2016. Sigurgeir was on the Board of Directors of Straumur Investment Bank hf., Actavis Group hf., Actavis Inc., Enzymatica AB, FlyOver Iceland ehf. and Scandinavian Biogas AB. Currently, Sigurgeir sits as Chairman of the Board of Directors at Citalfort Consulting slf., Citius ehf., Investment company Katla Holding ehf., Hekla Invest ehf., U.M.F. Stjarnan and Ögurás ehf., in addition to which he sits on the Board of Directors in 3Z ehf. and Coripharma Holding hf. Sigurgeir does not own shares in the bank and she does not have interest links with major clients, competitors or big shareholders in the sense of the Corporate Governance Guidelines.