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Sigurgeir Guðlaugsson

Sigurgeir Guðlaugsson

Board member

Sigurgeir Guðlaugsson was elected to the bank's board in August 2024. Sigurgeir was born in 1976 and works as the CEO of Genís hf.

Sigurgeir completed his B.Sc. degree in International Business from Copenhagen Business School in 1999.

He worked in the corporate division of Fjárfestingabanki atvinnulífsins, later Íslandsbanki, in the years 1999-2003. He then worked at Actavis Group in the years 2003-2006, where he was in charge of international mergers and acquisitions (e. Global Head of M&A).

Sigurgeir was the manager of investments in the healthcare industry at Novator in the years 2006-2009. He founded the consulting company Citalfort Consulting slf. at the end of 2009 and worked until the end of 2021 when he took over the position of CEO of Genís, excluding the years 2013-2016 when he was a co-owner and employee of H.F. Verðbréf hf. in 2013 and CEO of the biotechnology company Zymetech ehf. in the years 2014-2016. Sigurgeir has, among other things, sat on the boards of Straumur fjárfestingabanki hf., Coripharma Holding hf., Actavis Group hf., Actavis Inc., Enzymatica AB, 3Z ehf., FlyOver Iceland ehf. and Scandinavian Biogas AB. Today, Sigurgeir is the chairman of the board in the companies Citalfort Consulting slf., Altius ehf., Citius ehf. and Ögurás ehf.